Tag Archives: Eating Disorders

Real Radio Interview

On Friday I did a short interview for Real Radio Wales on the subject of Eating Disorders, and specifically my experience of working with clients who have sought help with one or more of the large number of symptoms that come under the classification of Eating Disorders.

Essentially NLP and Hypnotherapy are approaches that address what is going on with the individual rather than attempting to treat the symptoms of any dis-ease but I have noticed in working with a number of people to whom appetites (or sometimes lack of appetites) are causing a difficulty that there do tend to be common themes and concerns.

The Real Radio interview will be featured on their upcoming Skin Deep three day special on health issues, to be aired 18th to 20th October. I’m told excerpts from my interview will be used on the 1pm and 5pm news programmes on Real Radio Wales on the 20th October 2010. 

Until then, fingers crossed I get a good edit!